Marzia’s First Easter

Marzia Update::: Marzia had a great first Easter today.. She didn’t hide eggs or anything like that, but Daddy did let her go outside today for about 3 hours leash free!!!! Her and Heidi had a blast together playing today… She has had not accidents and it has been another chew free day!!! At this very moment I have besides myself in a queen size bed 2 full grown saints, a grown man, and a almost 4 month old pit all piled into one bed!!! And it shan’t be long before I have to crate Marzia for the night and the other 2 ladies bedded down for the night!!! Happy Easter everyone

First Easter 2014

First Easter 2014

April 18, 2014

Marzia Update::: Been a great day for Marzia thanks to Daddy, since he has taken care of her today, I myself have slept most of the day.. I will be very happy when all these medical problems are taken care of!!! Marzia has had no accidents at all today!!! She has also really came out of her shell, she has really enjoyed the time that Daddy spent playing with her… She has discovered she loves life past a back porch… She loves to just go out and smell the fresh air and sniff the grass, lol she is a mess she is so overwhelmed with how big her world has become!!! Daddy gave her a old flip flop that was sent with her and she sat right in front of us and tore it to shreds… Yes the pieces have been removed away from her due to a choking hazard to her… She got up in the bed with me earlier today while I was sleeping, she is a awesome bed buddy  And she has found her favorite spot, which is under the bed  I know its because it is so enclosed and feels safe there but I will be happy when she can no longer get under the bed!! And she now weigh in at 23.6 pounds, I feel she should be a little heaver but they say she is normal… I can’t wait to see if she takes more after her Cobly Pit Mom or her so called Boxer Dad.. I swear I still don’t see boxer in her… Please if you think you see boxer comment and let me know  More on Marzia later.. It is almost her bedtime which means it’s time to go get in the crate… I am thinking she may not do anything wrong but I also think I would like to keep her crated and get to the point to where she doesn’t have to be locked in, just a place for her own space!!! Oh and also Heidi has finally started playing and having something to do with her 

Laying beside Adopted Momma Cheyenne

Laying beside Adopted Momma Cheyenne

laying on Dad

laying on Dad

Getting Daddy loving

Getting Daddy loving

April 16, 2014

Marzia Update::: Today has been a great day for the little one !!!! No accidents at all !!! Woot woot toot the horn for Marzia!!! She has finally started eating more to my liking , I just think she wasn’t eating well due to being stressed over being re-homed.. And seems my oldest Saint Cheyenne has taken over the Mother roll she doesn’t want Heidi around her lol… Today has been a great day for Marzia !!! Even if this Mom missed work due to not feeling well but enjoyed Marzia sleeping with me !!! She is a mess!!!

My Bed

My Bed

April 15, 2014

Marzia Update::: Not to much of a update today, I had to work most of it  …. Seems sweet girl has had some problems today, good thing is that it is only her house training that can be cleaned up…. She had her first incident this morning, Ms Jenna should have taken her out but she didn’t so…… Yup she pooped mind you Ms. Jenna says she didn’t see it, and that could very well be possible… I won’t judge…. Anyway tonight after Jenna got here she goes and not sure if it was excitement or what but she tinkled on Jenna’s bed covers!!! Needless to say I am not happy over that one at all,but she a puppy and to me she is no different than a child that doesn’t know better….. Hubby was here with her again today, I am sure he is going to spoil her to daily naps in the bed with him lol… I wish I had been able to spend more time with her today but between work and not feeling very well I have had no playtime or training time with her today at all, hubby got to enjoy all that  #NotFair She still hasn’t chewed anything up.. All this pup has done is walk in this house and win the hearts of all those that reside within!!! Hubby took pictures of Marzia while she was sleeping then he woke her up then she had a ball rubbing all over the bed… The last picture is of the bed when she had finished… She is spoiled already!!!!

Head udder the covers lol

Head udder the covers lol

Getting some good zzz's in

Getting some good zzz’s in

Looking at him as if to sat why???

Looking at him as if to sat why???

this is what she did when she work up

this is what she did when she work up

April 15, 2015

Marzia Update:::: Day 3 in the home  She is doing very well… Today hubby had the pleasure of being with her today… He is needless to say in love!!! She has had one little slip today and daddy caught her just in time to get her outside to do her business lol…. She is not eating as much as I would hope she would be, as she acts as if she is comfortable in her new surroundings so I can’t explain why she is not eating well… She will go sneak some of the two ladies food from their bowls and only eat her puppy food if you offer it by hand and ain’t nobody got time to stand there and feed her by hand… Not sure how to handle this!!! She is loving getting to go outside before she was only allowed onto the back porch where she was….. She just holds that nose to the ground smelling everything she can… And her girl is back home tonight and she will be sleeping with Jenna for the rest of the week… Hoping it will not be a set back on her crating,, but she will still be crated some through out the day… And another day has passed with nothing been chewed up or destroyed….. Just sayin….. Funny thing she was so leash shy and now when it’s time to go out she will not go through the door without her leash on!!! Kinda thinking and tell me if I am wrong maybe I should always have her leashed due to her breed and ignorance of some people of the breed, that maybe I should always keep her leashed that way she can’t be accused of a crime she hasn’t committed!!! Comments please on this leash question please…. I haven’t seen my sweet Marzia much today but she has been very good and no major setbacks!!! #LovinMyMarzia

Marzia and her girl

Marzia and her girl

April 12, 2014

Marzia Update::: She has been here for about 28 hours our so…. And she has went from not wearing a collar and leash to wearing both… Outcome so far has been…. 1. No accidents in the house at all, Pretty awesome for a pup of 3 1/2 months that has never been housebroken, I don’t really even think it has been attempted….. 2. No collar to a small collar, something I kinda of insist on, went well I think she just dislikes the sound of the collar clicking….. 3. Leash walking!!!!! Major accomplishment to me 🙂 she started out hating it because she had no idea what it was for other than make her feel uncomfortable, she started out having to be picked up and carried down steps to walking out the door on her own 😀 !!! 4. She has chew nothing up other than a .94 cent toy that was bought for her!!!! She is adjusting very well I think…. I guess only time will tell , but one thing is for sure she is a pretty awesome Pup!!!Image